Asalamu Alaikum Dear Community,

We are pleased to announce that next week starting on Monday, September 21st we will start having our five daily prayers and on Friday, September 25th we will start having jummah prayer in the outdoors area of ICIE. Unfortunately, due to the local and state guidelines, we are still unable to congregate indoors but we wanted to enure that our community was at least able to congregate for prayers in the safest way possible. Please be sure to follow the rules below if you are planning on attending the prayer insha Allah:

  • The five daily prayers and jummah prayer will start on 9/21/2020 and 9/25/2020 respectively.
  • A policy of first come first serve basis will be applied to the jummah prayers.
  • Congregants for jummah are asked to arrive prior to 12:45 PM to ensure proper tracking. Gate will be closed effectively at 12:45 PM.
  • All congregants will be asked screening questions prior to admittance and must sign a one-time waiver. We will be using hard copy records to log and track all attendees.Congregants MUST sign in for each and every prayer they attend.
  • Khateebs will be asked to give a shortened khutbah and prayer which will be no longer than 15 minutes insha Allah.
  • All congregants must bring their own prayers rugs and masks. Congregants are asked to make their wudu at home as the bathrooms will be closed for use.
  • Temperature monitoring will be taken at entrance; Congregants with temperatures of 100.4 F or more will be kindly asked to leave.
  • Congregants are asked to only perform the Fard prayers. Sunnah and Witr prayers will be performed at home.
  • We will encourage carpooling due to the limited parking spaces available.
  • We kindly ask congregants 65 years and older, ladies, and children to stay home during COVID-19 restrictions.YOU MUST PRINT AND SIGN THE WAIVER BELOW: