The ICIE policies are based on the following:

  • The sources of Islam are the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah, non-controversially relayed, tradition of the seal of the messengers, Muhammad ﷺ. Other traditions, man-made rules and ethnic behaviors are not infallible, and are not considered as sources of Islam.
  • Islam is the universal mercy of God. Muslims identify primarily as Muslims and not as an ethnic group, race, color or tribe. No ethnic activities or overtones are allowed in the Center.
  • Arabic is taught as the language of the Qur’an. The language of communicating and conducting the activities of the Center is the language of the land, the English Language.
  • School of thought, or madhab, is a matter of personal preference, not a community policy.
  • The affairs of Muslims should be handled through the Qur’an, followed by the Sunnah followed by the Shura.
  • The ICIE is committed to quality performance and to the state of the art in the ways and means of projecting and propagating Islam. Men and woman are equally responsible to put in effort, formalize policies and design plans for the center.
  • The ICIE does not believe that segregation of the sexes is the guarantee of righteousness, but modesty, decency and observing the prohibitions that Allah and His apostle dictated, as well as purity of heart and clarity of conscience are the guarantees. While advocating the codes and ethics of Islamic behavior, the Center believes there is no compulsion in religion, and that consideration of the feelings of all human beings deserves attention.
  • The role of the ICIE is reminding and not compelling or dictating. The Center does not judge people or classify them.
  • Islam is a way of life; political actions may be a part of Islamic activity. However, these actions should be geared towards the interest of Islam and Muslims in the USA. Preoccupation by other countries’ politics leads only to division and chaos among Muslims in America and is contrary to the policies of the ICIE.

Governing Rules and Regulations

  • Photos or Pictures
    1. Any photo or picture of a person, such as one that is displayed during funeral service, is absolutely prohibited inside or outside the masjid.
  • Music
    1. Any type of music or musical instrument is prohibited to be heard or played inside the masjid.
  • Gender Separation
    1. Men and women shall be grouped separately during prayers
  • Dress Code
    1. While present in or on the Masjid property or Masjid hosted event.
      1. A Muslim man shall wear loose and unrevealing clothing covering his body, especially from navel to knee.
      2. A Muslim woman shall cover her hair and wear loose and unrevealing clothing concealing the details of her body.
  • Restrooms
    1. Restrooms and wudu (ablution) areas should stay as clean and tidy as possible after use.
    2. Used paper towels shall be thrown in the trash bag provided in the restrooms.
    3. All slippers used shall be properly returned to the shoe rack provided.
    4. Toilet paper and toilet seat covers shall be flushed properly after use.
    5. Toilet shall be wiped clean after use as not to allow accumulations of dirt, urine, and other soils
  • Smoking:
    1. Smoking is NOT allowed on Masjid property (inside or outside the building.)
  • Announcements:
    1. All personal or public announcements shall require prior permission from ICIE staff.
  • Masjid Speaking Policy:
    1. Individuals or groups wishing to address the congregation shall obtain prior permission from ICIE staff or management.
    2. Individuals or groups wishing to speak must abide by the Khateeb code of conduct.
  • Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) Rental:
    1. Any person or organization wishing to use the MPR for nikkah, aqiqa, funeral, and other services shall comply with the agreement shown in the “MPR Rental” form and this policy.
  • Imam Guidelines:
    1. Only brothers designated by ICIE staff can lead any of the five daily prayers.
    2. Only brothers designated by ICIE staff can recite the call to prayer.
  • Donation Policy:
    1. ICIE does NOT accept donation in the form of clothing.
    2. Any donation in the form of books and literature shall be approved by ICIE staff.
  • Advertising Policy:
    1. Only approved material (flyer, brochure, etc.) by ICIE staff will be allowed on the Masjid notice board.
    2. All unapproved material will be discarded at the owner’s expense.
  • Cell Phones:
    1. Cell phones must be turned off or silenced during the five daily prayers and Friday prayer.
  • Young Children:
    1. Young children are welcome and encouraged to attend the masjid
    2. Young children must be supervised by their parents/guardians at all times.
  • Prayer Area:
    1. The prayer area will only be used in accordance with acceptable Islamic teaching norms and practices.
    2. NO shoes or sandals are allowed in the prayer area.
  • Parking Policy:
    1. Vehicles blocking entrances or parked in prohibited areas will be towed away at owners’ expense.
  • Friday Prayer:
    1. Interrupting the khateeb and/or talking during the Friday sermon (Jumu’ah khutbah) is NOT allowed
  • Overnight Stay:
    1. Overnight stay at the masjid is NOT allowed except during the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan
    2. ICIE management may allow temporary exemptions to this rule at will.
  • Quran and Islamic teaching halaqas:
    1. Quran and Islamic teachings halaqas (study circles) are encouraged;
    2. such activities shall seek and obtain prior approval of ICIE staff.
  • Vendor Policy:
    1. All vendors must be approved by ICIE staff.
    2. Vendors must provide a valid business license from the city of Rancho Cucamonga
    3. Vendors must completed and ICIE vendor form.
  • Tabling Policy:
    1. All tabling requests must be addressed to, and approved by, the ICIE staff.
  • ICIE Operating Hours Policy:
    1. ICIE’s general operating hours will be posted on the office window or website.
    2. Extended stays at the masjid must be approved by ICIE staff
  • Pan Handling Policy:
    1. ICIE has a zero-tolerance policy for pan handling.
    2. Pan handlers will be reported to local law enforcement immediately.
  • Internet/Wi-Fi Usage Policy:
    1. Wi-Fi usage is limited to ICIE staff members only.
    2. Temporary usage from community members must be approved by ICIE staff.
    3. Any suspicious or illegal activities performed while connected to the internet through ICIE Wi-Fi will be reported to local law enforcement.
  • Defibrillator/EKG Policy:
    1. Only certified/authorized users are permitted to use the defibrillator in emergency situations.
    2. Any other use is prohibited.

ICIE operates multiple social media accounts for the sole purpose of sharing inspiration to the community and relevant information such as news, announcements, activities and events. The only official accounts are linked on the official ICIE website at

Terms and Conditions of Use

The official language of ICIE is English and all communication on all platforms should be in English except for common Arabic phrases and greetings.

To promote peace and prosperity within our diverse community, ICIE will not allow its platforms to be used for discussing or debating any of the following topics,

  • Opinions on Islamic Sects/Groups/Tribes such Wahhabism, Sufism, Salafism, Shia, Sunni etc.
  • Opinions on any other religions or cultures
  • Debates on open ended topics that ICIE has no authority or control over.
  • Topics on Fiqh (Personal opinions or interpretations of Quran and Sunnah)
  • Topics that may lead to Fitnah (divisions) in our community
  • Topics that are not related to the ICIE community.
  • Topics that are widely regarded as conspiracy theories.
  • Topics related to Government Policies, Politics or Political Figures of any nature.
  • Government Policies except if it specifically relates to and affects Inland Empire residents.
In addition, ICIE has a zero-tolerance policy for the following
  • Personal attacks on any individual, group, country, government, religion or organization.
  • Slander, Hate speech, Incitement to violence or criminal activity of any type.
  • Chain messages/videos/posts of any kind
Personal Opinions

Members are encouraged to participate with ICIE on its social media accounts but agree that any and all content even if in compliance with this agreement will be considered their own personal opinion which may or may not reflect the opinions and policies of ICIE management and staff. ICIE shall not be held liable for any repercussions a members’ post may incur.

Volunteer Efforts

All accounts are operated by volunteers, on their own time, who are entrusted to make every effort to enforce these rules in a fair manner and are not required to explain their reasons in any public forum. Volunteers will use the following guidelines to moderate the platform content.

  • Giving one (1) warning privately and requesting corrective action such as the contributor remove offending content immediately.
  • Giving one (1) follow up warning publicly, naming the individual if necessary and deleting the offending content when possible.
  • Banning or otherwise restricting the individual from future participation on all ICIE social media platforms.
  • Recommending to ICIE management that offending individual’s membership should be revoked.


As a Non-Profit Community Organization, We Depend heavily on Volunteer Help and Generous Financial Donations